Every year around this time, we complete what we consider a "mid-year review". It's nothing fancy or complex, but it is one of my favorite activities we do as business owners. The process has evolved over time, and now spans over a few weeks as we take 20 minute work-spurts here and there to dive into the review. The whole point is simple: take stock of what we've done, measure results, determine if we are on the right track, and make any necessary changes or pivots to our annual business plan to ensure we are honoring our commitments for the year.

From the outside looking in, you might think that we are measuring results that look like doors opened and signs placed. But what we've learned over nearly 7 years in real estate is that our product is not really just houses. When I think of my childhood summers in the valley, I think of climbing up the scratchy orange tree outside of our 1940-built home and breathing in the fresh-mowed grass smell on hot days. My brothers and I would pick black plums off our grandparent's tree next door when they ripened in June. Even now, I couldn't help but reach for them when I saw some in the grocery store a few weeks ago.

I remember watching dark storm clouds rumble in and unleash a season's worth of rain on the desert in one afternoon. These days, during our monsoon seasons here in the Valley, the thunder crackles always take me back to that time we swore we saw (with our very own eyes!) lightning touch down in our backyard during a particularly bad storm one summer.

As Grady gets older, he will start saving moments in his memories, too. I wonder what he will think of from his childhood summers in Phoenix. Will he remember how the heat tingles his skin on hot days, even if he finds himself living somewhere cooler when he's grown? (But of course, we'd never REALLY let him move that far away...right?) Maybe he will remember swimming in the backyard pool, and the smell of Aveeno kids' sunscreen, SPF 50 but somehow never enough, as I put it on his arms and legs.

See, real estate at the end of the day translates into a lot more than just a house to sell. Every time we help new homebuyers, whether they are buying for the first time or they've been around the block a few times, we recognize that they have the same thoughts about what that next chapter in their lives might be in their future memory. When we help home sellers move on in their journey, they take that bit of home with them wherever they go, too.

During this year's award ceremony at our brokerage, we were recognized for how many homes we sold in 2020. As we reflect, for every home sold, it's a reminder that it's more than a sale - it's a story, a journey, and a lifestyle for someone real. As we head into the next half of 2021, we will hold that thought close with every new client we are lucky enough to work with.

Thanks so much for supporting us throughout this journey. Whether you've referred us, trusted us with your personal sale, or even followed along on social media, it really means A LOT. We hope you're well and staying cool during this hot summer, and making some great memories while you're at it!